How can I make money with spam
(too old to reply)
2003-11-14 02:02:48 UTC
How does one start out making money with spam?

2003-11-14 03:06:39 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
You become a practitioner in remote viewing and black witchcraft.
You then offer your services to the anti-spam community, and get them
to send you all their spam. When you receive a spam, you pinpoint the
scumbag spammer and infest s/he/it with a plague of boils.
Frederick the amateur spam killer
2003-11-14 03:31:01 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
The best people to ask would be the guys most associated with abuse.

My best recommendation would be to e-mail ***@bellsouth.net
and ask the expert.

***@aol.com (Frederick)
"Some people are going to leave a mark on this world;
Brendan Battles will leave a stain."
This e-mail address is whitelisted. http://hometown.aol.com/frederi108
2003-11-15 04:33:54 UTC

Great detective work there Fred. I hope ***@bellsouth.net answers your
e-mails to them about it. I am sure they will as a matter of fact. Just
hold your breath until they do.

If anyone has any serious answers, please post them. As for the rest of
you, you are just creating more useless traffic on the internet. Hmmmm,
let's analyze that one. EVERY ignorant response you posted to me was sent
to every news server. At 2k for the message, sent to god knows how many
servers, and each response being sent back to each server...

Hmmm... No wonder the Internet is slowed down. You want to blame spammers?
How about each of you look at the useless traffic generated by each of your
USELESS responses.

Mass marketing is something that isn't going to go away. Responsible mass
marketing is what we should be shooting at. Idiocy that creates more
traffic than is needed isn't an answer. If you think it is, shut your pie
holes and look at TV ads, and in your 'snail mail' mailboxes. I am sure you
will see lots of wasted resources but I don't see any of you protesting
against that and wasting the same resources THEY use. How about all you
idiots who responded to my initial post actually pay for a TV ad against
SPAM or send out mass paper mails against it. Nah, that won't happen
because it would come out of your pocket instead of the pockets of the ISPs
you all spammed in your ignorance to my posting. THINK about it.

Post by Frederick the amateur spam killer
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
The best people to ask would be the guys most associated with abuse.
and ask the expert.
"Some people are going to leave a mark on this world;
Brendan Battles will leave a stain."
This e-mail address is whitelisted. http://hometown.aol.com/frederi108
2003-11-15 05:01:20 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
your e-mails to them about it. I am sure they will as a matter of
fact. Just hold your breath until they do.
If anyone has any serious answers, please post them. As for the rest
of you, you are just creating more useless traffic on the internet.
Hmmmm, let's analyze that one. EVERY ignorant response you posted
to me was sent to every news server. At 2k for the message, sent to
god knows how many servers, and each response being sent back to each
Hmmm... No wonder the Internet is slowed down. You want to blame
spammers? How about each of you look at the useless traffic generated
by each of your USELESS responses.
Mass marketing is something that isn't going to go away. Responsible
mass marketing is what we should be shooting at. Idiocy that creates
more traffic than is needed isn't an answer. If you think it is,
shut your pie holes and look at TV ads, and in your 'snail mail'
mailboxes. I am sure you will see lots of wasted resources but I
don't see any of you protesting against that and wasting the same
resources THEY use. How about all you idiots who responded to my
initial post actually pay for a TV ad against SPAM or send out mass
paper mails against it. Nah, that won't happen because it would come
out of your pocket instead of the pockets of the ISPs you all spammed
in your ignorance to my posting. THINK about it.
All spammers from BellSouth a.k.a the Spamshine state of Florida are blocked
in my firewall.

Bummer to be in the Spamshine state!
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Post by Frederick the amateur spam killer
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
The best people to ask would be the guys most associated with abuse.
and ask the expert.
"Some people are going to leave a mark on this world;
Brendan Battles will leave a stain."
This e-mail address is whitelisted.
2003-11-15 10:59:35 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
If anyone has any serious answers, please post them.
You give some serious answers:
How would like to get an honest job like normal people?

Frederick the amateur spam killer
2003-11-15 14:19:49 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Mass marketing is something that isn't going to go away. Responsible mass
marketing is what we should be shooting at. Idiocy that creates more
traffic than is needed isn't an answer. If you think it is, shut your pie
holes and look at TV ads, and in your 'snail mail' mailboxes. I am sure you
will see lots of wasted resources but I don't see any of you protesting
against that and wasting the same resources THEY use. How about all you
idiots who responded to my initial post actually pay for a TV ad against
SPAM or send out mass paper mails against it. Nah, that won't happen
because it would come out of your pocket instead of the pockets of the ISPs
you all spammed in your ignorance to my posting. THINK about it.
www.spamhaus.org (SBL)

Get your ISP on those, and you can kiss your accout goodbye.
Spam one of my screen names, and I get the complaint. No "remove
me" list works. I ask your ISP to remove your account. That is what
works for me. If your ISP wishes to keep a spammer on their
network, that's their choice. I do what I can to encourage other ISP
admins to blacklist your ISP until they gain clue or go out of
business because their "legitimate" customer can no longer e-mail
anyone else.

I make it my life's work to get accounts like yours terminated for
spamming. Do a google search on my screen name in just
news.admin.net-abuse.sightings, and you'll see just how proficient
and thorough I can be. I'm responsible for getting a number of
"big time" spammers kicked off their providers.

I'm not going away, either. Think about that.

***@aol.com (Frederick)
"Some people are going to leave a mark on this world;
Brendan Battles will leave a stain."
This e-mail address is whitelisted. http://hometown.aol.com/frederi108
2003-11-15 14:37:05 UTC
Post by Frederick the amateur spam killer
I make it my life's work to get accounts like yours terminated for
spamming. Do a google search on my screen name in just
news.admin.net-abuse.sightings, and you'll see just how proficient
and thorough I can be. I'm responsible for getting a number of
"big time" spammers kicked off their providers.
I'm not going away, either. Think about that.
You definitely R A W K, M A N!
May the Gods guide you, amn may you never, EVER go away, either!!
Good Job!

I think I got like 3-5, send about 600 complaints to SpamCop.

There should be something like a price for the guy who kills the most
spammers, or manages to get an ISP blocked for being a spamspewing

Freddy, j00 0wnz me!
2003-11-15 19:21:50 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Mass marketing is something that isn't going to go away.
Hoo sez?
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Responsible mass marketing is what we should be shooting at.
I'm not in favour of violence.
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Idiocy that creates more traffic than is needed isn't an answer. If
you think it is, shut your pie holes and look at TV ads, and in your
'snail mail' mailboxes. I am sure you will see lots of wasted
resources but I don't see any of you protesting against that and
wasting the same resources THEY use.
I pay for internet services. The TV I receive is free; I refuse to pay
for TV services that come with ads. I object to the TV ads that
accompany the free TV, but I'm not in any position to claim that they're
wrong. However spam to my mailbox is waaaaay wrong.
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How about all you idiots who responded to my initial post actually
pay for a TV ad against SPAM or send out mass paper mails against it.
Get your caps sorted out, please. We are discussing inappropriate email,
not canned pork.
2003-11-14 06:57:11 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
Buy a video camera.
Rape your whole family.
Put the video on a website.
Buy an email-abuse-program.
Cash in.

2003-11-14 07:09:07 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
Here's another one, the 'Pharmaceutical spam'

1. Buy a shitload of heroin
2. Press it into pills
3. Call it 'Generic hydrocodone', Generic Valium' etc.
4. Spam that.
5 Cash in.

2003-11-14 08:59:50 UTC
Why don't you write an anti-spam program :)
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
2003-11-14 10:03:20 UTC
This one is a better idea :)


"Jyce" <***@ntrass.com> escreveu na mensagem news:bp25bc$6tu$***@news-reader4.wanadoo.fr...
| Why don't you write an anti-spam program :)
| <***@morsediesel.com> a écrit dans le message de
| news:cJWsb.1901$***@bignews4.bellsouth.net...
| > How does one start out making money with spam?
| >
| > Rod
| > ***@morsediesel.com
| >
| >
2003-11-14 10:14:52 UTC
Post by Charles
This one is a better idea :)
| Why don't you write an anti-spam program :)
| > How does one start out making money with spam?
| >
| > Rod
| >
| >
Still, anyone giving 1 single penny to anyone making money off spam in
one form or another, is perperuating the problem ...

2003-11-14 11:52:07 UTC
Who said you have to pay for anti-spam software ? Blue Bottle and (STEVEN) are free :)
Don't forget, best things in life are free :)


"LeEnEx" <***@ntlworld.com> escreveu na mensagem news:***@ntlworld.com...
| Charles wrote:
| >
| > This one is a better idea :)
| >
| > --
| > Charles.
| >
| > "Jyce" <***@ntrass.com> escreveu na mensagem news:bp25bc$6tu$***@news-reader4.wanadoo.fr...
| > | Why don't you write an anti-spam program :)
| > |
| > | <***@morsediesel.com> a écrit dans le message de
| > | news:cJWsb.1901$***@bignews4.bellsouth.net...
| > | > How does one start out making money with spam?
| > | >
| > | > Rod
| > | > ***@morsediesel.com
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| Still, anyone giving 1 single penny to anyone making money off spam in
| one form or another, is perperuating the problem ...
| LeEnEx
2003-11-15 10:39:27 UTC
Post by Charles
Who said you have to pay for anti-spam software ? Blue Bottle and (STEVEN) are free :)
Don't forget, best things in life are free :)
Spamassassin here ... There is a huge difference between people giving
their time to fight evil, and those that want to make money off it!

2003-11-14 13:13:55 UTC
Next step of spammers will be selling the following:

- weapons
- bacteriological viruses
- slave women
- cocaine
- false documents

All of these generate big incomes.

2003-11-14 13:16:09 UTC
Live human organs (hearts, livers, lungs...) bought in Asia or in Eastern Europe for US$10 each.
Welcome to the 21st century.

2003-11-14 17:16:40 UTC
Post by Charles
- weapons
That might just be about on the mark. I confess I've never seen spam
offering so much as a jack-knife.
Post by Charles
- bacteriological viruses
What are "bacteriological viruses"? Would that be viruses of the type
that infect bacteria? Or perhaps they'd be viruses that are smart, and
undertake bacteriological research?
Post by Charles
- slave women
Google for "Russian brides"
Post by Charles
- cocaine
Who knows what's in all those pills...
Post by Charles
- false documents
The original usenet spam was for green cards.
Post by Charles
All of these generate big incomes.
-- Charles.
Jonathan Ganz
2003-11-14 18:44:41 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
Work for Hormel?
2003-11-14 18:54:42 UTC
I guess Hormel makes more money than spammers with their peenis en1argement AH AH AH!!!!


PS: I never received the penis enlargement spam actually. I guess they knew I don't need it :)

<***@morsediesel.com> escreveu na mensagem news:cJWsb.1901$***@bignews4.bellsouth.net...
| How does one start out making money with spam?
| Rod
| ***@morsediesel.com
2003-11-15 02:41:37 UTC
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:54:42 -0200, "Charles"
Post by Charles
I guess Hormel makes more money than spammers with their peenis en1argement AH AH AH!!!!
PS: I never received the penis enlargement spam actually. I guess they knew I don't need it :)
How can you say you dont need it. According to my webcam, you only
got one inch. YOU NEED IT BADLY !!!!
2003-11-15 16:07:12 UTC
| How can you say you dont need it. According to my webcam, you only
| got one inch. YOU NEED IT BADLY !!!!

Your webcam will show yours, not mine... Sorry that yours is only 1 inch :(
2003-11-15 04:20:51 UTC
Thanks for all the replies. I guess this was the wrong place to ask but
since it was alt.spam, I thought it would be the right place.

Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
2003-11-15 10:41:37 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Thanks for all the replies. I guess this was the wrong place to ask but
since it was alt.spam, I thought it would be the right place.
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
If you want to channel the money to AlQaeda or the IRA you need to
search specifically for that, too.

I have a very good solution for you: Get a gun, put it to your mouth,
pull the trigger and get off the Internet.

2003-11-15 19:34:18 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
Thanks for all the replies. I guess this was the wrong place to ask
but since it was alt.spam, I thought it would be the right place.
You absolutely came to the right place.

If you spam us, you will be reported to your ISP for net-abuse and for
violations of your terms of service. We will have you nuked if we can
trace the spam to you.

Spammers send mail to everyone - since they don't use proper opt-in
lists, they can't control whether they send mail to me (or to my
spam-traps). Consequently, if you spam, you *will* get blocklisted. And
if your ISP tolerates it, they will get listed too, until such a time as
they boot you.

Get a proper job. That's my advice to you.
2003-11-15 12:13:40 UTC
Post by r***@morsediesel.com
How does one start out making money with spam?
Send me $1000 and I guarantee you'll make at least one million dollars
by the end of the year. You wont have to do any work either, except
count your money.

There you go, but dont let this deal pass you by. You must send the
$1000 immediately. This offer will expire as soon as I have 100
people signed up. As of this date, I have 98 people signed up, so you
better hurry.

Mr Spam
2003-11-15 16:11:28 UTC
Great! I want to sign up, not to loose this fantastic opportunity. May I pay by credit card? My
credit card number is 9876543210 and it expires on 01/10, please don't give my number away to
hackers. I'll send you $2,000 so that I can make 2 million dollars, alright :)
2003-11-15 17:05:42 UTC
Post by Charles
Great! I want to sign up, not to loose this fantastic opportunity. May I pay by credit card? My
credit card number is 9876543210 and it expires on 01/10, please don't give my number away to
hackers. I'll send you $2,000 so that I can make 2 million dollars, alright :)
And please remember, Sir, the ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY of this
Only You and I know this number, and we must proceed with the utmost
There is no need for a third party to get involved in this.

I will release the 2 mill.$ as soon as we have completed our first
transaction from the above account.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Planetary Concil